Are You Ready to Preach?
In Psalm 51:12-13 the
psalmist prayed: "Restore unto me the joy of Thy
salvation; and uphold me with Thy free spirit. Then
will I teach transgressors Thy ways; and sinners
shall be converted unto Thee" (KJV).
John Wesley was one of
the greatest preachers in church history. He had a
mother who was one of the grandest Christians that
every lived. His father, both grandfathers and great
grandfather had all been preachers. He was an Oxford
man, a man of passionate prayer, deeply religious,
and a missionary who had gone to America to convert
the Indians.
However, it was not until
he went to a little meeting on Aldersgate Street
that he was ignited by a fire from heaven and became
one of the most amazing human firebrands in church
It is amazing how such a
man can have intellectual ability, personal appeal,
and charisma, and not be ready to preach.
Dwight L. Moody was
another man who was ignited by divine fire. There is
a grand difference between spiritual preparation by
the hand of God upon a man, and the well-meant
striving in the flesh.
We have all the
professional facts, the program formulas and
financial provisions, but it amounts to little more
than "strange fire," like the sons of Aaron (Num.
3:4). We have "strange fire" in many churches. But
where is the true fire of God that burns in the soul
of the God called man?
The indwelling presence
of God flows like a river of living water. The
outflow and overflow come only when we spend time
with Him. There must be a confrontation with God.
Moody said, "I've been carrying buckets of water.
Now I have a river that carries me."
We're not ready to
strengthen the brethren and feed the sheep until we
have spent time with the Shepherd. Like the psalmist
we ask, "Could there be something the matter with
me?" Robert Murray M'Cheyne said, "My people's
greatest need is my personal holiness." How is my
relationship with the Master?
You cannot remove the
direct relationship between effectiveness in the
pulpit and our intimate personal relationship with
God. Our pulpit credibility depends upon our
personal character.
Everything the preacher
says is in vain unless there is the enablement of
the Holy Spirit to bring conviction and regeneration
and change in the listener's hearts. "We proclaim
him by instructing and teaching all people with all
wisdom so that we may present every person mature in
Christ. Toward this goal I also labor, struggling
according to his power that powerfully works in me"
(Colossians 1:28-29, NET).
We must pray before we
prepare the Bible message in order to have power in
the pulpit. The preparation must be bathed in the
presence of God. We must pray as we prepare the
message. We must pray as we preach the message. We
must continue to pray that the Holy Spirit will work
in those who respond to the preached message (Phil.
I have read many accounts
of the great Shantung revival in China. The
missionaries were some of the most dedicated
servants of God. Yet things weren't happening. Then
a missionary began standing at the door of the
church after each service and as everybody went out,
she asked them one by one point-blank, "Have you
been born again?" That's not exactly the accepted
way to greet people going out of a church. One those
she met was Dr. Culpepper. She asked him, "Have you
been filled with the Spirit?" He hemmed and hawed
and swallowed, and God began to speak to him. Dr.
Culpepper began confessing all the sins that he was
aware of in his life, and God began to use him.
God's fire spread all over that land.
John Owen said, "The Word
must dwell in us with power before it can go forth
from us with power."
Are we ready to come
before God and say, "Put out the strange fire in my
life. All that I'm doing in my ministry is subject
to change by the Holy Spirit. I willing to be shaken
and revolutionized beyond anything I ever dreamed
of." But the worse danger today is not wildfire or
strange fire. It's Luke warmness. You know the old
adage, "The good is the enemy of the best." Lord, if
You have something better, don't let me settle for
the good, or Your second best. I will change any
plans anywhere, if by some doing I can move from the
good into Your very best. I yield to the absolute
sovereignty of the Holy Spirit.
I pray the Lord will keep
us flexible in the hands of the Holy Spirit. "Lord,
give us what we need whether we want it or not." God
wants to do something far beyond anything you can
ask or think. God grant that it may be so in my life
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