Preacher's Preparation for Preaching
by Wil Pounds
Effective biblical
preaching and sermon preparations must always begin
in the quietness of the man of God in the presence
of God.
“Help me to remember that
I am a prophet; not a promoter; not a religious
manager—but a prophet,” wrote A. W. Tozer.
If we are to be men who
proclaim God’s Word to hungry and thirsty men and
women, we must spend time in His presence alone with
If we are to be His
messengers, we have to spend time in the presence of
God to get His message that has been wrought by the
Spirit of God in the crucible of our hearts and
experiences. When we sit in His holy presence
humbled by His Word, He will speak plainly, clearly,
pointedly, and with conviction.
William Culbertson said,
“The sermon without the life is worthless, and the
sermon without the Word is powerless.”
Alone with God
The most important time
spent is alone with our Lord in personal worship and
the study of His Word.
There is a direct
relationship between the effectiveness of our
preaching and the quality of our personal walk with
God. Robert Murray M’Cheyne observed, “My people’s
greatest need is my personal holiness.” The great
pastor and theologian John Owen said, “The Word must
dwell in us with power before it can go forth from
us with power.”
Prayer and the study of
God’s Word will produce godly character in our
personal lives, which in turn produces power and
credibility in the pulpit. Personal integrity is
vitally related to power in the pulpit.
Jesus spent time alone
with His farther. “Then Jesus got up early in the
morning when it was still very dark, departed, and
went out to a deserted place, and there he spent
time in prayer” (Mark 1:35 NET). Evidently He
spent some time praying. King David found time in
the morning to spend with God.
As for me, I will sing
about your strength;
I will praise your loyal
love in the morning.
For you are my refuge
and my place of shelter
when I face trouble (Psalm 59:16 NET).
Good sermon preparation
must always begin with time alone with God pressing
out the wrinkles and frustrations of our lives,
confessing our personal sins and claiming the fresh
presence of the Holy Spirit as we allow Him to
control our lives.
I have found it a great
blessing to begin my day making myself available to
my Lord. “Lord Jesus, I give You this day.
Come live your life through me. Here is my
heart and love through me today. Here is my
mind; let me think your thoughts. Here are my
eyes and hands; let me see and feel what You see and
feel today. Here are my feet; let me walk only
where you desire me to walk. And here is my
tongue; let me speak Your words for Your glory.”
Jesus said, “Blessed are
the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matt.
5:8). How is your heart? Sermon preparation must
always begin and end here.
God is always pursuing an
intimate love relationship with us. “Set Christ
apart as Lord in your hearts. . .” wrote Peter (1
Pet. 3:15a NET). Are you what you should be in the
light of God’s standards? A sanctified heart knows
and understands as God speaks through His Word and
applies it to the heart in secret prayer.
Spend time reading
devotionally. It is inexcusable to attempt to
speak for God without having let God speak to us.
As I read His Word, I am sensitive to the Holy
Spirit’s speaking to my heart. Is there some
sin that needs to be confessed to Him and repented?
Is there a promise to claim? Is there a new
area of obedience and surrender to the Lordship of
Christ? If we love Him, we will obey Him.
Alone in the Study
“Preaching that costs
nothing accomplishes nothing,” said J. H. Jowett.
C. H. Spurgeon told
preachers: “Unstudied thoughts coming from the mind
without previous research, without the subjects in
hand having been investigated at all, must be of a
very inferior quality, even from the most superior
men; and none of us would have the effrontery to
glorify ourselves as men of genius or wonders of
He went on to stress,
“Churches are not to be held together except by an
instructive ministry; a mere filling up of time with
oratory will not suffice. Everywhere men ask to be
fed, really fed.”
It takes time to discover
the grammatical-historical exegesis of the Word of
God. Study the word, sentence, paragraph, or chapter
by reading it in various translations. Gather every
possible source of information, discussion,
exposition you can find on the passage. Write out
the material. Make sure your interpretation is
accurate. Compare Scripture with Scripture. We need
all the scholarship that we can possibly gather
together that we may be sure our teaching of the
Bible is what God has accurately said. Do not
neglect the careful study of the Word. Be extensive
as time permits. Think through it, digest it and let
it become a part of your soul. Make the message as
clear and powerful as possible.
Be very careful to digest
the truth. Do not jump in to quickly to preach on a
text or doctrine. Take time to digest the text and
let it begin to come alive. If it is not really
ready, don’t attempt to preach it. This is why it is
advantageous to keep items on the back burner giving
them time to mature.
A colorful word, a turn
of expression, a thought or an illustration or a
sentence clarified makes the sermon more effective.
After gathering all of
this information and making sure your exegesis is
correct begin forming an outline of the sermon so
you can use the material in the introduction,
development of content and consummation. What is the
goal of your message? Where is it headed? What do
you want the listeners to do in response to God’s
There is something God
wants these people to do, to believe, to respond to,
to work at, to achieve. Cry out to be used by God.
W. A. Criswell said,
“Preaching is for a holy and heavenly purpose: to
win the lost, to edify the saints, and to move a
whole community and city and nation God-ward. Every
time the preacher stands up to preach, he ought to
have before him some definite thing he prays the
congregation will do.”
The method of delivery
will depend on the preacher’s own personality. If
you are not Billy Graham, don’t try to be Billy
Graham. Be yourself to the glory of God.
Preach from a heart that
is on fire with the presence of God. Preach from the
Tozer prayed at his
ordination to the gospel ministry: “Lord Jesus, I
come to Thee for spiritual preparation. Lay Thy hand
upon me. Anoint me with the oil of the New Testament
prophet. Forbid that I should become a religious
scribe and thus lose by prophetic calling. Save me
from the curse that lies dark across the face of the
modern clergy—the curse of compromise, of imitation,
of professionalism. Save me from the error of
judging a church by its size, its popularity, or the
amount of its yearly offering. . . . Let me never
become a slave to crowds. Heal my soul of carnal
ambitions, and deliver me from the itch of
publicity. . . . Teach me self-discipline, that I
maybe a good soldier of Jesus Christ.”
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