"And when the hour was come, He sat down, and the twelve apostles with
Him."—Luke 22:14.
The outward ordinances of the Christian religion are but two, and those
two are exceedingly simple, yet neither of them has escaped human
alteration; and, alas! much mischief has been wrought, and much of precious
teaching has been sacrificed, by these miserable perversions. For instance,
the ordinance of baptism as it was administered by the apostles betokened
the burial of the believer with Christ, and his rising with his Lord into
newness of life. Men must needs exchange immersion for sprinkling, and the
intelligent believer for an unconscious child, and so the ordinance is
slain. The other sacred institution, the Lord's supper, like believers'
baptism, is simplicity itself. It consists of bread broken, and wine poured
out, these viands being eaten and drunk at a festival—a delightful picture
of the suff erings of Christ for us, and of the fellowship which the saints
have with one another and with Him. But this ordinance, also, has been
tampered with by men. By some, the wine has been taken away altogether, or
reserved only for a priestly caste; and the simple bread has been changed
into a consecrated host. As for the table, the very emblem of fellowship in
all nations—for what expresses fellowship better than surrounding a table,
and eating and drinking together?—this, forsooth, must be put away, and an
altar must be erected, and the bread and wine which were to help us to
remember the Lord Jesus are changed into an "unbloody sacrifice", and so the
whole thing becomes an unscriptural celebration instead of a holy
institution for fellowship. Let us be warned by these mistakes of others
never either to add to or take from the Word of God so much as a single jot
or tittle. Keep upon the foundation of the Scriptures, and you stand safely,
and have an answer for those who question you; yea, and an answer which you
may render at the bar of God; but once allow your own whim, or fancy, or
taste, or your notion of what is proper and right, to rule you, instead of
the Word of God, and you have entered upon a dangerous course, and unless
the grace of God prevent, boundless mischief may ensue. The Bible is our
standard authority; none may turn from it. The wise man says, in
Ecclesiastes, "I counsel thee to keep the King's commandment;" we would
repeat his advice, and add to it the sage precept of the mother of our Lord,
at Cana, when she said, "Whatsoever He saith unto you, do it. "
shall now ask you in contemplation to gaze upon the first celebration of the
Lord's supper. You perceive at once that there was no altar in that large
upper room. There was a table, a table with bread and wine upon it, but no
altar; and Jesus did not kneel,—there is no sign of that,—but He sat down, I
doubt not, after the Oriental mode of sitting, that is to say, by a partial
reclining, He sat down with His apostles. Now, He who ordained this supper
knew how it ought to be observed, and as the first celebration of it was the
model for all others, we may be assured that the right way of coming to this
communion is to assemble around a table, and to sit or recline while we eat
and drink together of bread and wine in remembrance of our Lord.
we see the Saviour sitting down with His twelve apostles, let us enquire,
first, what did this make them? Then, secondly, what did this
imply? And, thirdly, what further may we legitimately infer from it?
First, then, we see the Great Master, the Lord, the King in Zion, sitting
down at the table to eat and drink with His twelve apostles,—WHAT DID THIS
what they were at first. By His first calling of them they became His
followers, for He said unto them, "Follow Me." That is to say, they were
convinced, by sundry marks and signs, that He was the Messias, and they,
therefore, became His followers. Followers may be at a great distance from
their leader, and enjoy little or no intercourse with him, for the leader
may be too great to be approached by the common members of his band. In the
case of the disciples, their following was unusually close, for their Master
was very condescending, but still their intercourse was not always of the
most intimate kind at first, and therefore it was not at the first that He
called them to such a festival as this supper. They began with following,
and this is where we must begin. If we cannot enter as yet into closer
association with our Lord, we may, at least, know His voice by His Spirit,
and follow Him as the sheep follow the shepherd. The most important way of
following Him is to trust Him, and then diligently to imitate His example.
This is a good beginning, and it will end well, for those who walk with Him
to-day shall rest with Him hereafter; those who tread in His footsteps shall
sit on His throne.
His followers, they came next to be His disciples. A man may have
been a follower for a while, and yet may not have reached discipleship. A
follower may follow blindly, and hear a great deal which he does not
understand; but when he becomes a disciple, his Master instructs him, and
leads him into truth. To explain, to expound, to solve difficulties, to
clear away doubts, and to make truth intelligible, is the office of a
teacher amongst his disciples. Now, it was a very blessed thing for the
followers to become disciples, but still disciples are not necessarily so
intimate with their Master as to sit and eat with him. Socrates and Plato
knew many in the Academy whom they did not invite to their homes. My
brethren, if Jesus had but called us to be His disciples, and no more we
should have had cause for great thankfulness; if we had been allowed to sit
at His feet, and had never shared in such an entertainment as that before
us, we ought to have been profoundly grateful; but now that He has favoured
us with a yet higher place, let us never be unfaithful to our discipleship.
Let us daily learn of Jesus, let us search the Bible to see what it was that
He taught us, and then by the aid of His Holy Spirit let us scrupulously
obey. Yet is there a something beyond.
the Lord's disciples, the chosen ones next rose to become His servants,
which is a step in advance, since the disciple may be but a child, but the
servant has some strength, has received some measure of training, and
renders somewhat in return. Their Master gave them power to preach the
gospel, and to execute commissions of grace, and happy were they to be
called to wait upon such a Master, and aid in setting up His kingdom. My
dear brethren and sisters, are you all Christ's servants consciously? If so,
though the service may at times seem heavy because your faith is weak, yet
be very thankful that you are servants at all, for it is better to serve God
than to reign over all the kingdoms of this world. It is better to be the
lowest servant of Christ than to be the greatest of men, and remain slaves
to your own lusts, or be mere men-pleasers. His yoke is easy, and His burden
is light. The servant of such a Master should rejoice in his calling; yet is
there something beyond.
the close of His life, our Master revealed the yet nearer relation of His
disciples, and uttered words like these: "Henceforth I call you not
servants, for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth, but I have called
you friends, for all things that I have heard of My Father I have
made known unto you." This is a great step in advance. The friend, however
humble, enjoys much familiarity with his friend. The friend is told what the
servant need not know. The friend enjoys a communion to which the mere
servant, disciple, or follower has not attained. May we know this higher
association, this dearer bond of relationship! May we not be content without
the enjoyment of our Master's friendship! "He that hath friends must show
himself friendly;" and if we would have Christ's friendship, we must
befriend His cause, His truth, and His people. He is a Friend that loveth at
all times; if you would enjoy His friendship, take care to abide in Him.
note that, on the night before His Passion, our Lord led His friends a step
beyond ordinary friendship. The mere follower does not sit at table with his
leader; the disciple does not claim to be a fellow-commoner with his master;
the servant is seldom entertained at the same table with his lord; the
befriended one is not always invited to be a guest; but here the Lord Jesus
made His chosen ones to be His table-companions; He lifted them up to
sit with Him at the same table, to eat of the same bread, and drink of the
same cup with Himself. From that position He has never degraded them; they
were representative men, and where the Lord placed them, He has placed all
His saints permanently. All the Lord's believing people are sitting, by
sacred privilege and calling, at the same table with Jesus, for truly, our
fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. He has come
into our hearts, and He sups with us, and we with Him; we are His
table-companions, and shall eat bread with Him in the kingdom of God.
then, that is the answer to the question, "What did this festival make the
apostles?" This festival shows all the members of the Church of Christ to
be, through divine grace, table-companions with one another, and with Christ
Jesus their Lord.
So now we shall pass on, in the second place, to ask, WHAT DID THIS
implied, first of all, mutual fidelity. This solemn eating and
drinking together was a pledge of faithfulness to one another. It must have
been so understood, or otherwise there would have been no force in the
complaint: "He that eateth bread with Me hath lifted up his heel against
Me." Did not this mean that, because Judas had eaten bread with his
Lord, he was bound not to betray Him, and so to lift up his heel against
Him? This was the seal of an implied covenant; having eaten together, they
were under bond to be faithful to one another. Now, as many of you as are
really the servants and friends of Christ may know that the Lord Jesus, in
eating with you at His table, pledges Himself to be faithful to you. The
Master never plays the Judas,—the Judas is among the disciples. There is
nothing traitorous in the Lord; He is not only able to keep that which we
have committed to Him, but He is faithful, and will do it. He will be
faithful, not only as to the great and main matter, but also to every
promise He has made. Know ye then, assuredly, that your Master would not
have asked you to His table to eat bread with Him if He intended to desert
you. He has received you as His honoured guests, and fed you upon His
choicest meat, and thereby He does as good as say to you, "I will never
leave you, come what may, and in all times of trial, and depression, and
temptation, I will be at your right hand, and you shall not be moved, and to
the very last you shall prove My faithfulness and truth."
beloved, you do not understand this supper unless you are also reminded of
the faithfulness that is due from you to your Lord, for the feast is common,
and the pledge mutual. In eating with Him, you plight your troth to the
Crucified, Beloved, how have you kept your pledge during the past year? You
have eaten bread with Him, and I trust that in your hearts you have never
gone so far aside as to lift up your heel against Him, but have you always
honoured Him as you should? Have you acted as guests should have done? Can
you remember His love to you, and put your love to Him side by side with it,
without being ashamed? From this time forth, may the Holy Ghost work in our
souls a jealous fidelity to the Well-beloved which shall not permit our
hearts to wander from Him, or suffer our zeal for His glory to decline!
remember that there is in this solemn eating and drinking together a pledge
of fidelity between the disciples themselves, as well as between the
disciples and their Lord. Judas would have been a traitor if he had betrayed
Peter, or John, or James: so, when ye come to the one table, my brethren, ye
must henceforth be true to one another. All bickerings and jealousies must
cease, and a generous and affectionate spirit must rule in every bosom. If
you hear any speak against those you have communed with, reckon that, as you
have eaten bread with them, you are bound to defend their reputations. If
any railing accusation be raised against any brother in Christ, reckon that
his character is as dear to you as your own. Let a sacred Freemasonry be
maintained among us, if I may liken a far higher and more spiritual union to
anything which belongs to common life. Ye are members one of another, see
that ye love each other with a pure heart fervently. Drinking of the same
cup, eating of the same bread, you set forth before the world a token which
I trust is not meant to be a lie. As it truly shows Christ's faithfulness to
you, so let it as really typify your faithfulness to Christ, and to one
the next place, eating and drinking together was a token of mutual
confidence. They, in sitting there together, voluntarily avowed their
confidence in each other. Those disciples trusted their Master, they knew He
would not mislead or deceive them. They trusted each other also, for when
they were told that one of them would betray their Lord, they did not
suspect each other, but each one said, "Lord, is it I?" They had much
confidence in one another, and the Lord Jesus, as we have seen, had placed
great confidence in them by treating them as His friends. He had even
trusted them with the great secret of His coming sufferings, and death. They
were a trustful company who sat at that supper-table. Now, beloved, when you
gather around this table, come in the spirit of implicit trustfulness in the
Lord Jesus. If you are suffering, do not doubt His love, but believe that He
works all things for your good. If you are vexed with cares, prove your
confidence by leaving them entirely in your Redeemer's hands. It will not be
a festival of communion to you if you come here with suspicions about your
Master. No, show your confidence as you eat of the bread with Him. Let there
also be a brotherly confidence in each other. Grievous would it be to see a
spirit of suspicion and distrust among you. Suspicion is the death of
fellowship. The moment one Christian imagines that another thinks hardly of
him, though there may not be the slightest truth in that thought, yet
straightway the root of bitterness is planted. Let us believe in one
another's sincerity, for we may rest assured that each of our brethren
deserves to be trusted more than we do. Turn your suspicions within, and if
you must suspect, suspect your own heart; but when you meet with those who
have communed with you at this table, say within yourself, "If such can
deceive me, and alas I they may, then will I be content to be imposed upon
rather than entertain perpetual mistrust of my fellow-Christians."
third meaning of the assembling around the table is this, hearty
fraternity. Our Lord, in sitting down at the table with His disciples,
showed Himself to be one with them, a Brother indeed. We do not read that
there was any order of priority by which their seats were arranged. Of
course, if the Grand Chamberlain at Rome had arranged the table, he would
have placed Peter at the right hand of Christ, and the other apostles in
graduated positions according to the dignity of their future bishoprics, but
all that we know about their order is this, that John sat next to the
Saviour, and leaned upon His bosom, and that Peter sat a good way off,—we
feel sure he did, because it is said that he "beckoned" unto John; if he had
sat next to him, he would have whispered to him, but he beckoned to him, and
so he must have been some way down the table, if, indeed, there was any "down"
or "up" in the arrangement of the guests. We believe the fact was,
that they sat there on a sacred equality, the Lord Jesus, the EIder Brother,
among them, and all else arranged according to those words, "One is your
Master, even Christ, and all ye are brethren." Let us feel, then, in coming
to the table again at this time, that we are linked in ties sacred
relationship with Jesus Christ, who is exalted in heaven, and that through
Him our relationship with our fellow-Christians is very near and intimate.
that Christian brotherhood were more real! The very word "brother" has come
to be ridiculed as a piece of hypocrisy, and well it may, for it is mostly
used as a cant phrase, and in many cases means very little. But it ought to
mean something. You have no right to come to that table unless you really
feel that those who are washed in Jesus' blood have a claim upon the love of
your heart, and the activity of your benevolence. What! are ye to live
together for ever in heaven, and will ye show no affection for one another
here below? It is your Master's new command that ye love one another; will
ye disregard it? He has given this as the badge of Christians: "By this
shall all men know that ye are My disciples,"—not if ye wear a gold cross,
but—"if ye have love one to another." That is the Christian's badge of his
being, in very truth, a disciple of Jesus Christ. Here, at this table, we
find fraternity. Whosoever eateth of this sacred supper declares himself to
be one of a brotherhood in Christ, a brotherhood striving for the same
cause, having sincere sympathy, being members of each other, and all of them
members of the body of Christ. God make this to be a fact throughout
Christendom even now, and how will the world marvel as it cries, "See how
these Christians love one another! "
this table means more yet: it signifies common enjoyment. Jesus eats,
and they eat, the same bread. He drinks, and they drink, of the same cup.
There is no distinction in the viands. What meaneth this? Doth it not say to
us that the joy of Christ is the joy might remain in you, and that your joy
might be full"? The very joy that delights Christ is that which He prepares
for His people. You, if you are a true believer, have sympathy in Christ's
joy, you delight to see His kingdom come, the truth advanced, sinners saved,
grace glorified, holiness promoted, God exalted; this also is His delight.
But my dear brethren and fellow-professors, are you sure that your chief joy
is the same as Christ's? Are you certain that the mainstay of your life is
the same as that which was His meat and His drink, namely, to do the will of
the heavenly Father? If not, I am afraid you have no business at this table;
but if it be so, and you come to the table, then I pray that you may share
the joy of Christ. May you joy in Him as He joys in you, and so may your
fellowship be sweet!
on this point, the feast at the one table indicated familiar affection.
It is the child's place to sit at the table with its parents, for there
affection rules. It is the place of honour to sit at the table: "Martha
served, but Lazarus was one of them that sat at the table." But the honour
is such as love and not fear suggests. Men at the table often reveal their
minds more fully than elsewhere. If you want to understand a man, you do not
go to see him at the Stock Exchange, or follow him into the market; for
there he keeps himself to himself; but you go to his table, and there he
unbosoms himself. Now, the Lord Jesus Christ sat at the table with His
disciples. 'Twas a meal; 'twas a meal of a homely kind; intimate intercourse
ruled the hour. Oh, brethren and sisters, I am afraid we have come to this
table sometimes, and Christ, and then it has been an empty formality and
nothing more. I thank God that, coming to this table every Sabbath-day, as
some of us do, and have done for many years, we have yet for the most part
enjoyed the nearest communion with Christ here that we have ever known, and
have a thousand times blessed His name for this ordinance. Still, there is
such a thing as only eating the bread and drinking the wine, and losing all
the sacred meaning thereof. Do pray the Lord to reveal Himself to you. Ask
that it may not be a dead form to you, but that now in very deed you may
give to Christ your heart, while He shall show to you His hands and His
side, and make known to you His agonies and death, wherewith He redeemed you
from the wrath to come. All this, and vastly more, is the teaching of the
table at which Jesus sat with the twelve. I have often wondered why the
Church of Rome does not buy up all those pictures by one of its most
renowned painters, Leonardo da Vinci, in which our Lord is represented as
sitting at the table with His disciples, for these are a contradiction of
the Popish doctrine on this subject. As long as that picture remains on the
wall, and as long as copies of it are spread everywhere, the Church of Rome
stands convicted of going against the teaching of the earlier Church by
setting up an altar when she confesses herself that aforetime it was not
considered to be an altar of sacrifice but a table of fellowship, at which
the Lord did not kneel, nor stand as an officiating priest, but at which He
and His disciples sat. We, at least, have no rebukes to fear from antiquity,
for we follow, and mean to follow, the primitive method. Our Lord has given
us commandment to do this until He comes,—not to alter it, but just to "do
this," and nothing else, in the same manner until He shall come.
We will draw to a close by asking—WHAT FURTHER MAY BE INFERRED FROM THIS
answer: first, there may be inferred from it the equality of all the
saints. There were here twelve apostles. Their apostleship, however, is
not concerned in the matter. When the Lord's supper was celebrated after all
the apostles had gone to heaven, was there to be any alteration because the
apostles had gone? Not at all. Believers are to do this in remembrance of
their Lord until He shall come. There was no command for a change
when the first apostles were all gone from the Church: No, it was to be the
same still,—bread and wine and the surrounding of the table, until the Lord
came. I gather, then, the equality of all saints. There is a difference in
office, there was a difference in miraculous gift, and there are great
differences in growth of grace; but still, in the household of God, all
saints, whether apostles, pastors, teachers, deacons, elders, or private
members, being all equal, eat at one table. There is but one bread, there is
but one juice of the vine here.
is only in the Church of God that those words, so wild politically, can ever
be any more than a dream, "Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity." There you
have them, where Jesus is; not in a republic, but in the kingdom of our Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ, where all rule and dominion are vested in Him, and
all of us willingly acknowledge Him as our glorious Head, and all we are
brethren. Never fall into the idea that older believers were of a superior
nature to ourselves. Do not talk of Saint Paul, and Saint
Matthew, and Saint Mark, unless you are prepared to speak of Saint
William and Saint Jane sitting over yonder, for if they be in Christ
they are as truly saints as those first saints were, and I ween there may be
some who have attained even to higher saintship than many whom tradition has
canonized. The heights of saintship are by grace o pen to us all, and the
Lord invites us to ascend. Do not think that what the Lord wrought in the
early saints cannot be wrought in you. It is because you think so that you
do not pray for it, and because you do not pray for it you do not attain it.
The grace of God sustained the apostles; that grace is not less to-day than
it was then. The Lord's arm is not shortened; His power is not straitened.
If we can but believe, and be as earnest as those first saints were, we
shall subdue kingdoms yet, and the day shall come when the gods of Hindooism,
and the falsehoods of Mohammed, and the lies of Rome, shall as certainly be
overthrown as were the ancient philosophies and the classic idolatries of
Greece and Rome by the teaching of the first ministers of Christ. There is
the same table for you, and the same food is there in emblem, and grace can
make you like those holy men, for you are bought with the same blood, and
quickened by the same Spirit. Believe only, for all things are possible to
him that believeth.
inference, only to be hinted at, is this, that the wants of the Church in
all ages will be the same, and the supplies for the Church's wants will
never vary. There will be the table still, and the table with the same
viands upon it,—bread still, nothing more than bread for food; wine still,
nothing less than wine for drink. The Church will always want the same food,
the same Christ, the same gospel. Out on ye, traitors, who tell us that we
are to shape our gospel to suit this enlightened nineteenth century! Out on
ye, false-hearts, who would have us tone down the everlasting truth that
shall outlive the sun, and moon, and stars, to suit your boasted culture,
which is but varnished ignorance! No, that truth which of old was mighty
through God to the pulling down of strongholds, is mighty still, and we will
maintain it to the death; the Church wants the doctrines of grace to-day as
much as when Paul, or Augustine, or Calvin preached them; the Church wants
justification by faith, the substitutionary atonement, and regeneration, and
divine sovereignty to be preached from her pulpits as much as in days of
yore, and by God's grace she shall have them, too.
there is in this truth, that Christ has brought all His disciples into the
position of table-companions, a prophecy that this shall be the portion
of all His people for ever. In heaven there cannot be less of privilege
than on earth. It cannot be that in the celestial state believers will be
degraded from what they have been below. What were they, then, below?
Table-companions. What shall they be in heaven above? Table-companions
still, and blessed is he that shall eat bread in the kingdom of God." Many
shall come from the east and from the west, and shall sit down with Abraham,
and Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of God," and the Lord Jesus shall be at
the head of the table. Now, what will His table of joy be? Set your
imagination to work, and think what will be His festival of soul when His
reward shall be all before Him, and His triumph all achieved. Have ye
imagined it? Can ye conceive it? Whatever it is, you shall share in it. I
repeat those words, whatever it is, the least believer shall share in it.
You, poor working-woman, oh, what a change for you, to sit among princes,
near to your Lord Jesus, all your toil and want for ever ended! And you, sad
child of suffering, scarcely able to come up to the assembly of God's
people, and going back, perhaps, to that bed of languishing again, you shall
have no pains there, but you shall be for ever with the Lord, and the joy of
Christ shall be your joy for ever and ever! Oh, can you not realize those
words of Dr. Watts,—
"Yes, and before we rise
To that immortal state,
The thoughts of such amazing bliss
Should constant joys create"?
In the anticipation of the joy that shall be yours, forget your present
troubles, rise superior to the difficulties of the hour, and if you cannot
rejoice in the present, yet rejoice in the future, which shall so soon be
your own.
finish with this word of deep regret,—regret that many here cannot
understand what we have been talking about, and have no part in it. There
are some of you who must not come to the table of communion because you do
not love Christ. You have not trusted Him; you have no part in Him. There is
no salvation in sacraments. Believe me, they are but delusions to those who
do not come to Christ with their heart. You must not come to the outward
sign if you have not the thing signified. Here is the way of Salvation:
believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved. To believe in Him
is to trust Him; to use an old word, it is recumbency; it is leaning on Him,
resting on Him. Here I lean, I rest my whole weight on this support before
me; do so with Christ in a spiritual sense: lean on Him. You have a load of
sin, lean on Him, sin and all. You are all unworthy, and weak, and perhaps
miserable; then cast on Him the weakness, the unworthiness, the misery and
all. Take Him to be all in all to you, and when you have thus trusted Him,
you will have become His follower; go on by humility to be His disciple, by
obedience to be His servant, by love to be His friend, and by communion to
be His table-companion.
Lord so lead you, for Jesus' sake! Amen.
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