"I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you."—John 14:18.
will notice that the margin reads, "I will not leave you orphans: I will
come to you." In the absence of our Lord Jesus Christ, the disciples were
like children deprived of their parents. During the three years in which He
had been with them, He had solved all their difficulties, borne all their
burdens, and supplied all their needs. Whenever a case was too hard or too
heavy for them, they took it to Him. When their enemies well nigh overcame
them, Jesus came to the rescue, and turned the tide of battle. They were all
happy and safe enough whilst the Master was with them; He walked in their
midst like a father amid a large family of children, making all the
household glad. But now He was about to be taken from them by an ignominious
death, and they might well feel that they would be like little children
deprived of their natural and beloved protector. Our Saviour knew the fear
that was in their hearts, and before they could express it, He removed it by
saying, "You shall not be left alone in this wild and desert world; though I
be absent in the flesh, yet I will be present with you in a more efficacious
manner; I will come to you spiritually, and you shall derive from My
spiritual presence even more good than you could have had from My bodily
presence, had I still continued in your midst."
first, here is an evil averted: "I will not leave you orphans;" and,
in the second place, here is a consolation provided: "I will come to
First, here is, AN EVIL AVERTED.
their Lord, believers would, apart from the Holy Spirit, be like other
orphans, unhappy and desolate. Give them what you might, their loss could
not have been recompensed. No number of lamps can make up for the sun's
absence; blaze as they may, it is still night. No circle of friends can
supply to a bereaved woman the loss of her husband; without him, she is
still a widow. Even thus, without Jesus, it is inevitable that the saints
should be as orphans; but Jesus has promised in the text that we shall not
be so; the one only thing that can remove the trial He declares shall be
ours, "I will come to you."
remember, that an orphan is one whose parent is dead. This in itself
is a great sorrow, if there were no other. The dear father, so well beloved,
was suddenly smitten down with sickness; they watched him with anxiety; they
nursed him with sedulous care; but he expired. The loving eye is closed in
darkness for them. That active hand will no longer toil for the family. That
heart and brain will no longer feel and think for them. Beneath the green
grass the father sleeps, and every time the child surveys that hollowed
hillock his heart swells with grief. Beloved, we are not orphans in that
sense, for our Lord Jesus is not dead. It is true He died, for one of the
soldiers with a spear pierced His side, and forthwith came thereout blood
and water, a sure evidence that the pericardium had been pierced, and that
the fountain of life had been broken up. He died, 'tis certain, but He is
not dead now. Go not to the grave to seek Him. Angel voices say, "He is not
here, for He is risen." He could not be holden by the bands of death. We do
not worship a dead Christ, nor do we even think of Him now as a corpse. That
picture on the wall, which the Romanists paint and worship, represents
Christ as dead; but oh! it is so good to think of Christ as living,
remaining in an existence real and true, none the less living because He
died, but all the more truly full of life because He has passed through the
portals of the grave, and is now reigning for ever. See then, dear friends,
the bitter root of the orphan's sorrow is gone from us, for our Jesus is not
dead now. No mausoleum enshrines His ashes, no pyramid entombs His body, no
monument records the place of His permanent sepulchre.
"He lives, the great Redeemer lives,
What joy the blest assurance gives!"
We are not orphans, for "the Lord is risen indeed."
orphan has a sharp sorrow springing out of the death of his parent, namely,
that he is left alone. He cannot now make appeals to the wisdom of
the parent who could direct him. He cannot run, as once he did, when he was
weary, to climb the paternal knee. He cannot lean his aching head upon the
parental bosom. "Father," he may say, but no voice gives an answer.
"Mother," he may cry, but that fond title, which would awaken the mother if
she slept, cannot arouse her from the bed of death. The child is alone,
alone as to those two hearts which were its best companions. The parent and
lover are gone. The little ones know what it is to be deserted and forsaken.
But we are not so; we are not orphans. It is true Jesus is not here in body,
but His spiritual presence is quite as blessed as His bodily presence would
have been. Nay, it is better, for supposing Jesus Christ to be here in
person, you could not all come and touch the hem of His garment,—not all at
once, at any rate. There might be thousands waiting all the world over to
speak with Him; but how could they all reach Him, if He were merely here in
body? You might all be wanting to tell Him something, but in the body He
could only receive some one or two of you at a time.
in spirit there is no need for you to stir from the pew, no need to say a
word; Jesus hears your thoughts talk, and attends to all your needs at the
same moment. No need to press to get at Him because the throng is great, for
He is as near to me as He is to you, and as near to you as to saints in
America, or the islands of the Southern Sea. He is everywhere present, and
all His beloved may talk with Him. You can tell Him at this moment the
sorrows which you dare not open up to anyone else. You will feel that, in
declaring them to Him, you have not breathed them to the air, but that a
real Person has heard you, One as real as though you could grip His hand,
and could see the loving flash of His eye and mark the sympathetic change of
His countenance.
it not so with you, ye children of a living Saviour? You know it is; you
have a Friend that sticketh closer than a brother. You have a near and dear
One, who, in the dead of the night is in the chamber, and in the heat and
burden of the day is in the field of labour. You are not orphans, the
"Wonderful, Counsellor, the mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince
of Peace," is with you; your Lord is here; and, as one whom his mother
comforteth, so Jesus comforts you.
orphan, too, has lost the kind hand which took care always that food and
raiment should be provided, that the table should be well stored, and that
the house should be kept in comfort. Poor feeble one, who will provide
for his wants? His father is dead, his mother is gone: who will take care of
the little wanderer now? But it is not so with us. Jesus has not left us
orphans; His care for His people is no less now than it was when He sat at
the table with Mary, and Martha, and Lazarus, whom "Jesus loved." Instead of
the provisions being less, they are even greater, for since the Holy Spirit
has been given to us, we have richer fare and are more indulged with
spiritual comforts than believers were before the bodily presence of the
Master had departed. Do your souls hunger to-night? Jesus gives you the
bread of heaven. Do you thirst to-night? The waters from the rock cease not
to flow.
"Come, make your wants, your burdens known."
You have but to make known your needs to have them all supplied, Christ
waits to be gracious in the midst of this assembly. He is here with His
golden hand, opening that hand to supply the wants of every living soul.
"Oh!" saith one, "I am poor and needy-." Go on with the quotation. "Yet the
Lord thinketh upon me." "Ah" saith another, "I have besought the Lord thrice
to take away a thorn in the flesh from me." Remember what he said to Paul,
"My grace is sufficient for thee." You are not left without the strength you
want. The Lord is your Shepherd still. He will provide for you till He leads
you through death's dark valley, and brings you to the shining pastures upon
the hill-tops of glory. You are not destitute, you need not beg an asylum
from an ungodly world by bowing to its demands, or trusting its vain
promises, for Jesus will never leave you nor forsake you.
orphan, too, is left without the instruction which is most suitable for a
child. We may say what we will, but there is none so fit to form a
child's character as the parent. It is a very sad loss for a child to have
lost either father or mother in its early days; for the most skilful
preceptor, though he may do much, by the blessing of God very much, is but a
stop-gap, and but half makes up for the original ordinance of Providence,
that the parent's love should fashion the child's mind. But, dear friends,
we are not orphans; we who believe in Jesus are not left without an
education. Jesus is not here Himself, it is true. I dare say some of you
wish you could come on Lord's-days, and listen to Him! Would it not be sweet
to look up to this pulpit, and see the Crucified One, and to hear Him
preach? Ah! so you think, but the apostle says, "Though we have known Christ
after the flesh, yet now henceforth know we Him no more."
is most for your profit that you should receive the Spirit of truth, not
through the golden vessel of Christ in His actual presence here, but through
the poor earthen vessels of humble servants of God like ourselves. At any
rate, whether we speak, or an angel from heaven, the speaker matters
not; it is the Spirit of God alone that is the power of the Word, and makes
that Word to become vital and quickening to you. Now, you have the Spirit of
God. The Holy Spirit is so given, that there is not a truth which you may
not understand. You may be led into the deepest mysteries by His teaching.
You may be made to know and to comprehend those knotty points in the Word of
God which have hitherto puzzled you. You have but humbly to look up to
Jesus, and His Spirit will still teach you. I tell you, though you are poor
and ignorant, and perhaps can scarcely read a word in the Bible; for all
that, you may be better instructed in the things of God than doctors of
divinity, if you go to the Holy Spirit, and are taught of Him. Those who go
only to books and to the letter, and are taught of men, may be fools in the
sight of God; but those who go to Jesus, and sit at His feet, and ask to be
taught of His Spirit, shall be wise unto salvation. Blessed be God, there
are not a few amongst us of this sort. We are not left orphans; we have an
Instructor with us still.
is one point in which the orphan is often sorrowfully reminded of his
orphanhood, namely, in lacking a defender. It is so natural in little
children, when some big boy molests them, to say, "I'll tell my father!" How
often did we use to say so, and how often have we heard from the little ones
since, "I'll tell mother!" Sometimes, the not being able to do this is a
much severer loss than we can guess. Unkind and cruel men have snatched away
from orphans the little which a father's love had left behind; and in the
court of law there has been no defender to protect the orphan's goods. Had
the father been there, the child would have had its rights, scarcely would
any have dared to infringe them; but, in the absence of the father, the
orphan is eaten up like bread, and the wicked of the earth devour his
estate. In this sense, the saints are not orphans. The devil would rob us of
our heritage if he could, but there is an Advocate with the Father who
pleads for us. Satan would snatch from us every promise, and tear from us
all the comforts of the covenant; but we are not orphans, and when he brings
a suit-at-law against us, and thinks that we are the only defendants in the
case, he is mistaken, for we have an Advocate on high. Christ comes in and
pleads, as the sinners' Friend, for us; and when He pleads at the bar
of justice, there is no fear but that His plea will be of effect, and our
inheritance shall be safe. He has not left us orphans.
I want, without saying many words, to get you who love the Master to feel
what a very precious thought this is, that you are not alone in this world;
that, if you have no earthly friends, if you have none to whom you can take
your cares, if you are quite lonely so far as outward friends are concerned,
yet Jesus is with you, is really with you, practically with you, able to
help you, and ready to do so, and that you have a good and kind Protector
close at hand at this present moment, for Christ has said it: "I will not
leave you orphans."
Secondly, there is, A CONSOLATION PROVIDED. The remedy by which the evil is
averted is this, our Lord Jesus said, "I will come to you. "
does this mean? Does it not mean, from the connection, this—"I will come
to you by My Spirit"? Beloved, we must not confuse the Persons of the
Godhead. The Holy Spirit is not the Son of God; Jesus, the Son of God, is
not the Holy Spirit. They are two distinct Persons of the one Godhead. But
yet there is such a wonderful unity, and the blessed Spirit acts so
marvellously as the Vicar of Christ, that it is quite correct to say that,
when the Spirit comes, Jesus comes, too, and "I will come to you," means
-"I, by My Spirit, who shall take My place, and represent Me, I will come to
be with you." See then, Christian, you have the Holy Spirit in you and with
you to be the Representative of Christ. Christ is with you now, not in
person, but by His Representative,—an efficient, almighty, divine,
everlasting Representative, who stands for Christ, and is as Christ to you
in His presence in your souls. Because you thus have Christ by His Spirit,
you cannot be orphans, for the Spirit of God is always with you. It is a
delightful truth that the Spirit of God always dwells in believers;—not
sometimes, but always. He is not always active in believers, and He may be
grieved until His sensible presence is altogether withdrawn, but His secret
presence is always there. At no single moment is the Spirit of God wholly
gone from a believer. The believer would die spiritually if this could
happen, but that cannot be, for Jesus has said, "Because I live, ye shall
live also." Even when the believer sins, the Holy Spirit does not utterly
depart from him, but is still in him to make him smart for the sin into
which he has fallen. The believer's prayers prove that the Holy Spirit is
still within him. "Take not Thy Holy Spirit from me," was the prayer of a
saint who had fallen very foully, but in whom the Spirit of God still kept
His residence, notwithstanding all the foulness of his guilt and sin.
beloved, in addition to this, Jesus Christ by His Spirit makes visits to
His people of a peculiar kind. The Holy Ghost becomes wonderfully active
and potent at certain times of refreshing. We are then especially and
joyfully sensible of His divine power. His influence streams through every
chamber of our nature, and floods our dark soul with His glorious rays, as
the sun shining in its strength. Oh, how delightful this is! Sometimes we
have felt this at the Lord's table. My soul pants to sit with you at that
table, because I do remember many a happy time when the emblems of bread and
wine have assisted my faith, and kindled the passions of my soul into a
heavenly flame. I am equally sure that, at the prayer-meeting, under the
preaching of the Word, in private meditation, and in searching the
Scriptures, we can say that Jesus Christ has come to us. What! have you no
hill Mizar to remember?—
"No Tabor-visits to recount,
When with Him in the Holy Mount"?
Oh, yes! some of these blessed seasons have left their impress upon our
memories, so that, amongst our dying thoughts, will mingle the remembrance
of those blessed seasons when Jesus Christ manifested Himself unto us as He
doth not unto the world. Oh, to be wrapped in that crimson vest, closely
pressed 'to His open side!' Oh, to put our finger into the print of nails,
and thrust our hand into His side! We know what this means by past
"Dear Shepherd of Thy chosen few,
Thy former mercies here renew."
Permit us once again to feel the truth of the promise, "I will not leave you
orphans; I will come to you." And now, gathering up the few thoughts I have
uttered, let me remind you, dear friends, that every word of the text is
instructive: "I will not leave you orphans: I will come to you." Observe
the "I" there twice over. "I will not leave you orphans; father and
mother may, but I will not; friends once beloved may turn
stony-hearted, but I will not; Judas may play the traitor, and Ahithophel
may betray his David, but I will not leave you comfortless. You have
had many disappointments, great heart-breaking sorrows, but I have
never caused you any; I—the faithful and the true Witness, the
immutable, the unchangeable Jesus, the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever,
I will not leave you comfortless; I will come unto you." Catch
at that word, "I," and let your souls say, "Lord, I am not worthy that Thou
shouldest come under my roof; if Thou hadst said, 'I will send an angel to
thee,' it would have been a great mercy, but what sayest Thou, 'I will come
unto thee'? If Thou hadst bidden some of my brethren come and speak a word
of comfort to me, I had been thankful, but Thou hast put it thus in the
first person, 'I will come unto you.' O my Lord, what shall I say,
what shall I do, but feel a hungering and a thirsting after Thee, which
nothing shall satisfy till Thou shalt fulfil Thine own Word, 'I will
not leave you comfortless; I will come to you'"?
then notice the persons to whom it is addressed, "I will not leave you
comfortless, you, Peter, who will deny Me; you, Thomas, who
will doubt Me; I will not leave you comfortless." O you who are so little in
Israel that you sometimes think it is a pity that your name is in the
church-book at all, because you feel yourselves to be so worthless, so
unworthy, He will not leave you comfortless, not even you! "O
Lord," thou sayest, "if Thou wouldst look after the rest of Thy sheep, I
would bless Thee for Thy tenderness to them, but I—I deserve to be
left; if I were forsaken of Thee, I could not blame Thee, for I have played
the harlot against Thy love, but yet Thou sayest, 'I will not leave you.'"
Heir of heaven, do not lose your part in this promise. I pray you say,
"Lord, come unto me, and though Thou refresh all my brethren, yet, Lord,
refresh me with some of the droppings of Thy love; O Lord, fill the cup
for me; my thirsty spirit pants for it.
"'I thirst, I faint, I die to prove
The greatness of redeeming love,
The love of Christ to me.'
Now, Lord, fulfil Thy word to Thine unworthy handmaid, as I stand like
Hannah in Thy presence. Come unto me, Thy servant, unworthy to lift so much
as his eyes towards heaven, and only daring to say, 'God be merciful to me a
sinner.' Fulfil Thy promise even to me, 'I will not leave you comfortless; I
will come to you.'"
whichever of the words you will, and they each one sparkle and flash after
this sort. Observe, too, the richness and sufficiency of the text: "I
will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you." He does not promise, "I
will send you sanctifying grace, or sustaining mercy, or precious mercy,"
but He says, what is the only thing that will prevent your being orphans, "I
will come to you." Ah! Lord, Thy grace is sweet, but Thou art better. The
vine is good, but the clusters are better. It is well enough to have a gift
from Thy hand, but oh! to touch the hand itself. It is well enough to hear
the words of Thy lips, but oh! to kiss those lips as the spouse did in the
Song, this is better still. You know, if there be an orphan child, you
cannot prevent its continuing an orphan. You may feel great kindness towards
it, supply its wants, and do all you possibly can towards it, but it is an
orphan still. It must get its father and its mother back, or else it will
still be an orphan. So, our blessed Lord, knowing this, does not say, "I
will do this and that for you," but, "I will come to you."
you not see, dear friends, here is not only all you can sentence, "I will
come to you"? "It pleased the Father that in Him should all fulness dwell;"
so that, when Christ comes, in Him "all fulness" comes. "In Him dwelleth all
the fulness of the Godhead bodily," so that, when Jesus comes, the very
Godhead comes to the believer.
"All my capacious powers can wish
In Thee doth richly meet;"
and if Thou shalt come to me, it is better than all the gifts of Thy
covenant. If I get Thee, I get all, and more than all, at once. Observe,
then, the language and the sufficiency of the promise.
I want you to notice, further, the continued freshness and force of the
promise. Somebody here owes another person fifty pounds, and he gives
him a note of hand, "I promise to pay you fifty pounds." Very well! the man
calls with that note of hand tomorrow, and gets fifty pounds. And what is
the good of the note of hand now? Why, it is of no further value, it is
discharged. How would you like to have a note of hand which would always
stand good? That would be a right royal present. "I promise to pay evermore,
and this bond, though paid a thousand times, shall still hold good." Who
would not like to have a cheque of that sort? Yet this is the promise which
Christ gives you, "I will not leave you orphans: I will come to you." The
first time a sinner looks to Christ, Christ comes to him. And what then?
Why, the next minute it is still, "I will come to you." But here is one who
has known Christ for fifty years, and he has had this promise fulfilled a
thousand times a year: is it not done with? Oh, no! there it stands, just as
fresh as when Jesus first spoke it, "I will come to you." Then we will treat
our Lord in His own fashion, and take Him at His word. We will go to Him as
often as ever we can, for we shall never weary Him; and when He has kept His
promise most, then is it that we will go to Him, and ask Him to keep it more
still; and after ten thousand proofs of the truth of it, we will only have a
greater hungering and thirsting to get it fulfilled again. This is fit
provision for life, and for death, "I will come to you." In the last moment,
when your pulse beats faintly, and you are just about to pass the curtain,
and enter into the invisible world, you may have this upon your lips, and
say to your Lord, "My Master, still fulfil the word on which Thou hast
caused me to hope, 'I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.' "
me remind you that the text is at this moment valid, and for this I
delight in it. "I will not leave you comfortless." That means now, "I
will not leave you comfortless now." Are you comfortless at this hour? It is
your own fault. Jesus Christ does not leave you so, nor make you so. There
are rich and precious things in this word, "I will not leave you
comfortless: I will come to you, I will come to you now." It may be a very
dull time with you, and you are pining to come nearer to Christ. Very well,
then plead the promise before the Lord. Plead the promise as you sit where
you are: "Lord, Thou hast said Thou wilt come unto me; come unto me
to-night." There are many reasons, believer, why you should plead thus. You
want Him; you need Him; you require Him; therefore plead the promise, and
expect its fulfilment. And oh! when He cometh, what a joy it is; He is as a
bridegroom coming out of his chamber with his garments fragrant with aloes
and cassia! How well the oil of joy will perfume your heart! How soon will
your sackcloth be put away, and the garments of gladness adorn you! With
what joy of heart will your heavy soul begin to sing when Jesus Christ shall
whisper that you are His, and that He is yours! Come, my Beloved, make no
tarrying; be Thou like a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of
separation, and prove to me Thy promise true, "I will not leave you orphans:
I will come to you."
now, dear friends, in conclusion, let me remind you that there are many
who have no share in the text. What can I say to such? From my soul I
pity you who do not know what the love of Christ means. Oh! if you could but
tell the joy of God's people, you would not rest an hour without it.
"His worth, if all the nations knew,
Sure the whole world would love Him too."
Remember, if you would find Christ, He is to be found in the way of faith.
Trust Him, and He is yours. Depend upon the merit of His sacrifice; cast
yourselves entirely upon that, and you are saved, and Christ is yours.
grant that we may all break bread in the kingdom above, and feast with
Jesus, and share His glory! We are expecting His second coming. He is coming
personally and gloriously. This is the brightest hope of His people. This
will be the fulness of their redemption, the time of their resurrection.
Anticipate it, beloved, and may God make your souls to sing for joy!
"'Mid the splendours of the glory
Which we hope ere long to share;
Christ our Head, and we His members,
Shall appear, divinely fair.
Oh, how glorious !
When we meet Him in the air!
"Bright the prospect soon that greets us
Of that long'd-for nuptial day,
When our heavenly Bridegroom meets us
On His kingly, conquering way;
In the glory,
Bride and Bridegroom reign for aye!"
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