by Alexander Maclaren
'And Pharaoh said unto his servants, Can we find
such a one as this is, a man in whom the Spirit of God
is? And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, Forasmuch as God hath shewed thee all this, there is none so discreet and
wise as thou art: Thou shalt be over my house, and according
unto thy word shall all my people be ruled: only in the
throne will I be greater than thou. And Pharaoh said
unto Joseph, See, I have set thee over all the land of Egypt.
And Pharaoh took off his ring from his hand, and put
it upon Joseph's hand, and arrayed him in vestures of
fine linen, and put a gold chain about his neck; And he made
him to ride in the second chariot which he had; and
they cried before him, Bow the knee: and he made him ruler
over all the land of Egypt. And Pharaoh said unto Joseph,
I am Pharaoh, and without thee shall no man lift up
his hand or foot in all the land of Egypt. And Pharaoh
called Joseph's name Zaphnath-paaneah; and he gave him
to wife Asenath the daughter of Poti-pherah priest of
On. And Joseph went out over all the land of Egypt. And
Joseph was thirty years old when he stood before
Pharaoh king of Egypt. And Joseph went out from the presence
of Pharaoh, and went throughout all the land of
Egypt. And in the seven plenteous years the earth brought
forth by handfuls. And he gathered up all the food of the
seven years, which were in the land of Egypt, and laid
up the food in the cities: the food of the field, which
was round about every city, laid he up in the same.' -- GENESIS xli. 38-48.
At seventeen years of age Joseph was sold for a
slave; at thirty he
was prime minister of Egypt (Gen. xxxvii, 2; xli.
46). How long his
prison life lasted is uncertain; but it was long
enough for the
promises contained in his early dreams to 'try him'
(Ps. cv. 19)
whether his faith would stand apparent
disappointment and weary
delay. Like all the Scripture narratives, this
history of Joseph has
little to say about feelings, and prefers facts. But
we can read
between the lines, and be tolerably sure that the
thirteen years of
trial were well endured, and that the inward life
had grown so as to
fit him for his advancement. We have here a
full-length portrait of
the prime minister, or vizier, which brings out
three points--his
elevation, his naturalisation, and his
Joseph had not only interpreted Pharaoh's dream, but
had suggested a
policy in preparation for the coming famine. He had
recommended the
appointment of 'a wise and discreet man,' with
supreme authority
over the land. Pharaoh first consulted 'his
servants,' and, with
their consent, possibly not very hearty, appointed
the proposer of
the plan as its carrier-out, quoting to him his own
words, 'wise and
The sudden installing of an unknown prisoner in high
office has
often been thought hard to believe, and has been
pointed to as proof
of the legendary character of the story. But the
ground on which
Pharaoh put it goes far to explain it. He and his
servants had come
to believe that 'God' spoke through this man, that
'the Spirit of
God' was in him. So here was a divinely sent
messenger, whom it
would be impiety and madness to reject. Observe that
Pharaoh and
Joseph both speak in this chapter of 'God.' There
was a common
ground of recognition of a divine Being on which
they met. The local
colour of the story indicates a period before the
fuller revelation,
which drew so broad a line of demarcation between
Israel and the
other nations.
Joseph's sudden promotion is made the more
intelligible by the
probability which the study of Egyptian history has
given, that the
Pharaoh who made him his second in command was one
of the Hyksos
conquerors who dominated Egypt for a long period.
They would have no
prejudices against Joseph on account of his being a
foreigner. A
dynasty of alien conquerors has generally an open
door for talent,
and cares little who a man's father is, or where he
comes from, if
he can do his work. And Joseph, by not being an
Egyptian born, would
be all the fitter an instrument for carrying out the
policy which he
had suggested.
His ceremonial investiture with the insignia of
office is true to
Egyptian manners. The signet ring, as the emblem of
full authority;
the chain, as a mark of dignity; the robe of 'fine
linen' (or rather
of cotton), which was a priestly dress--all are
illustrated by the
monuments. The proclamation made before him as he
rode in the second
chariot has been very variously interpreted. It has
been taken for a
Hebraised Egyptian word, meaning 'Cast thyself
down'; and this
interpretation was deemed the most probable, until
discovery brought to light 'that _abarakku_ is the
name of the grand vizier' (Fr. Delitzsch, _Hebrew
Language Viewed
in the Light of Assyrian Research_, p. 26). Sayce
another explanation, also from the cuneiform
tablets: 'There was a
word _abrik_ in the Sumerian language, which
signified a seer,
and was borrowed by the Semitic Babylonians under
the varying forms
of _abrikku_ and _abarakku_. It is _abrikku_ which
we have in Genesis,
and the title applied by the people to the "seer"
Joseph proves to be
the one we should most naturally expect.' The Tel
el-Amarna tablets
show that the knowledge of cuneiform writing was
common in Egypt
(Sayce, _Higher Criticism and the Monuments_, p.
214). This
explanation is tempting, but it is perhaps scarcely
probable that the
proclamation should have been in any other language
than Egyptian,
or should have had reference to anything but
Joseph's new office. It was
not as seer that he was to be obeyed, but as
Pharaoh's representative,
even though he had become the latter because he had
proved himself the
But in any case, the whole context is accurately and
Egyptian. Was there any point in the history of
Israel, down to an
impossibly late date, except the time of Moses, at
which Jewish
writers were so familiar with Egypt as to have been
capable of
producing so true a picture?
The lessons of this incident are plain. First stands
out, clear and
full, the witness it bears to God's faithfulness,
and to His
sovereign sway over all events. What are all the
persons concerned
in the narrative but unconscious instruments of His?
The fierce
brothers, the unconcerned slave-dealers, Potiphar,
his wife, the
prisoners, Pharaoh, are so many links in a chain;
but they are also
men, and therefore free to act, and guilty if acting
wrongly. Men
execute God's purposes, even when unconscious or
rebellious, but are
responsible, and often punished, for the acts which
He uses to
effect His designs.
Joseph's thirteen years of trial, crowned with
sudden prosperity,
may read all of us, and especially young men and
women, a lesson of
patience. Many of us have to fight our way through
difficulties at the outset of our career; and we are
apt to lose
heart and get restive when success seems slow to
come, and one
hindrance after another blocks our road. But
hindrances are helps.
If one of Joseph's misfortunes had been omitted, his
good fortune
would never have come. If his brethren had not hated
him, if he had
not been sold, if he had not been imprisoned, he
would never have
ruled Egypt. Not one thread in the tapestry could
have been
withdrawn without spoiling the pattern. We cannot
afford to lose one
of our sorrows or trials. There would be no summer
unless winter had
gone before. There is a bud or a fruit for every
snowflake, and a
bird's song for every howl of the storm.
Plainly, too, does the story read the lesson of
quiet doing of the
work and accepting the circumstances of the moment.
Joseph was being
prepared for the administration of a kingdom by his
oversight of
Potiphar's house and of the prison. His character
was matured by his
trials, as iron is consolidated by heavy hammers. To
temptation, to do modestly and sedulously whatever
work comes to our
hands, to be content to look after a jail even
though we have
dreamed of sun and moon bowing down to us, is the
apprenticeship for whatever elevation
circumstances--or, to speak
more devoutly, God--intends for us. Young men thrown
into city life
far away from their homes, and whispered to by many
seducing voices,
have often to suffer for keeping themselves
unspotted; but they are
being strengthened by rough discipline, and will get
such promotion,
in due time, as is good for them. But outward
success is not God's
best gift. It was better to be the Joseph who
deserved his high
place, than to have the place. The character which
he had grown into
was more than the trappings which Pharaoh put on
him. And such a
character is always the reward of such patience,
faith, and self-
control, whether chains and chariots are added or
Little need be said about the other points of the
story. Joseph's
naturalisation as an Egyptian was complete. His name
was changed, in
token that he had completely become a subject of
Pharaoh's. The
meaning of the formidable-looking polysyllable,
which Egyptian lips
found easier than 'Joseph,' is uncertain. 'At
present the origin of
the first syllable is still doubtful, and though the
latter part of
the name is certainly the Egyptian _n-ti-pa-ankh_
("of the
life"), it is difficult to say in which of its
different senses the
expression _pa-ankh_ ("the life") is employed' (Sayce,
supra_, p. 213). The prevailing opinion of Egyptian
experts is
that it means 'Support of life.'
The naturalising was completed by his marriage to
Asenath (supposed
to mean 'One belonging to the goddess Neith'), a
daughter of a high
officer of state, Poti-phera (meaning, like its
shortened form,
Potiphar, 'The gift of Ra' the sun-god). Such an
alliance placed him
at once in the very innermost circle of Egyptian
aristocracy. It may
have been a bitter pill for the priest to swallow,
to give his
daughter to a man of yesterday, and an alien; but,
just as probably,
he too looked to Joseph with some kind of awe, and
was not unwilling
to wed Asenath to the first man in the empire,
wherever he had
started up from.
But should not Joseph's religion have barred such a
marriage? The
narrator gives no judgment on the fact, and we have
to form our own
estimate. But it is not to be estimated as if it had
occurred five
or six centuries later. The family of Jacob was not
so fenced off,
nor was its treasure of revelation so complete, as
afterwards. We
may be fairly sure that Joseph felt no inconsistency
between his
ancestral faith, which had become his own in his
trials, and this
union. He was risking a great deal; that is certain.
Whether the
venture ended well or ill, we know not. Only we may
be very sure
that a marriage in which a common faith is not a
strong bond of
union lacks its highest sanctity, and is perilously
apt to find that
difference in religious convictions is a strong
Joseph's administration opens up questions as to
Egyptian land
tenure, and the like, which cannot be dealt with
here. 'In the
earlier days of the monarchy the country was in the
hands of great
feudal lords; ... the land belonged to them
absolutely.... But after
the convulsion caused by the Hyksos conquest and the
war of
independence, this older system of land tenure was
changed.... The Pharaoh is the fountain head, not
only of honour,
but of property as well.... The people ceased to
have any rights of
their own' (Sayce, _ut supra_, p. 216).
We may note Joseph's immediate entrance upon office
and his
characteristic energy in it. He 'went out from the
presence of
Pharaoh, and went throughout all the land of Egypt.'
No grass grew
under this man's feet. He was ubiquitous, personally
everything for seven long years. Wasteful
consumption of the
abundant crops had to be restrained, storehouses to
be built,
careful records of the contents to be made, after
Egyptian fashion.
The people, who could not look so far as seven years
ahead, and
wanted to enjoy, or make money out of, the good
harvests, had to be
looked after, and an army of officials to be kept in
order. Dignity
meant work for him. Like all true men, he thought
more of his duty
than of his honours. Depend on it, he did not wear
his fine clothes
or ride in the second chariot, when he was hurrying
about the
country at his task.
He had come 'out of prison to reign,' and, as we all
find, if we are
God's servants, to reign means to serve, and the
higher the place
the harder the task. The long years of waiting had
nourished powers
which the seven years of busy toil tested. We must
make ourselves,
by God's help, ready, in obscurity, and especially
in youth, for
whatever may be laid on us in after days. And if we
understand what
life here means, we shall be more covetous of
spheres of diligent
service than of places of shining dignity. Whatever
our task, let us
do it, as Joseph did his, with strenuous
concentration, knowing, as
he did, that the years in which it is possible are
but few at the
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