'The archers shot at him, but his bow abode in
strength, and the arms of his hands were made strong by
the hands of the mighty God of Jacob.' -- GENESIS xlix. 23, 24.
These picturesque words are part of what purports to
be one of the
oldest pieces of poetry in the Bible--the dying
Jacob's prophetic
blessing on his sons. Of these sons there are two
over whom his
heart seems especially to pour itself--Judah the
ancestor of the
royal tribe, and Joseph. The future fortunes of
their descendants
are painted in most glowing colours. And of these
two, the blessing
on the 'son who was dead and is alive again, who was
lost and is
found' is the fuller of tender desire and glad
prediction. The words
of our text are probably to be taken as prophecy,
not as history--as
referring to the future conflicts and victories of
the tribe, not to
the past trials and triumphs of its father. But be
that as it may,
they contain, in most vivid metaphor, the earliest
utterance of a
very familiar truth. They are the first hint of that
thought which
is caught up and expanded in many a later saying of
psalmist, and
prophet, and apostle. We hear their echoes in the
great song
ascribed to David 'in the day that the Lord
delivered him from the
hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul':
'He teacheth my
hands to war, so that a bow of steel is broken by
mine arms'; and
the idea receives its fullest carrying out and
noblest setting
forth, in the trumpet-call of the apostle, who had
seen more
formidable weapons and a more terrible military
discipline in Rome's
legions than Jacob knew, and who pressed them into
his stimulating
call: 'Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of
His might.' 'Put
on the whole armour of God.' Strength for conflict
by contact with
the strength of God is the common thought of all
these passages--a
very familiar thought, which may perhaps be
freshened for us by the
singular intensity with which this metaphor of our
text presents it.
Look at the picture.--Here stands the solitary man,
ringed all round
by enemies full of bitter hate. Their arrows are on
the string,
their bows drawn to the ear. The shafts fly thick,
and when they
have whizzed past him, and he can be seen again, he
stands unharmed,
grasping his unbroken bow. The assault has shivered
no weapon, has
given no wound. He has been able to stand in the
evil day--and look!
a pair of great, gentle, strong hands are laid upon
his hands and
arms, and strength passes into his feebleness from
the touch of 'the
hands of the mighty God of Jacob.' So the enemy have
two, not one,
to reckon with. By the side of the hunted man stands
a mighty
figure, and it is His strength, not the mortal's
impotence, that has
to be overcome. Some dream of such divine help in
the struggle of
battle has floated through the minds, and been
enshrined in the
legends, of many people, as when the panoplied
Athene has been
descried leading the Grecian armies, or, through the
dust of
conflict, the gleaming armour and white horses of
the Twin Brethren
were seen far in advance of the armies of Rome. But
the dream is for
us a reality. It _is_ true that we go not to warfare
at our own
charges, nor by our own strength. If we love Him and
try to make a
brave stand against our own evil, and to strike a
manful blow for
God in this world, we shall not have to bear the
brunt alone.
Remember he who fights for God never fights without
There is a strange story in a later book of
Scripture, which almost
reads as if it had been modelled on some
reminiscence of these words
of the dying Jacob--and is, at any rate, a
remarkable illustration
of them. The kingdom of Israel, of which the
descendants of Joseph
were the most conspicuous part, was in the very
crisis and agony of
one of its Syrian wars. Its principal human helper
was 'fallen sick
of the sickness whereof he died.' And to his
death-bed came, in a
passion of perplexity and despair, the irresolute
weakling who was
then king, bewailing the impending withdrawal of the
nation's best
defence. The dying Elisha, with curt authority, pays
no heed to the
tears of Joash, but bids him take bow and arrows.
'And he said to
the king of Israel, Put thine hand upon the bow,'
and he put his
hand upon it; and '_Elisha put his hands upon the
hands_.' Then, when the thin, wasted, transparent
fingers of the
old man were thus laid, guiding and infusing
strength, by a strange
paradox, into the brown, muscular hands of the young
king, he tells
him to open the casement that looked eastward
towards the lands of
the enemy, and, as the blinding sunshine and the
warm air streamed
into the sick-chamber, he bids him draw the bow. He
was obeyed, and,
as the arrow whizzed Jordanwards, the dying prophet
followed its
flight with words brief and rapid like it, 'the
arrow of the Lord's
deliverance.' Here we have all the elements of our
text singularly
repeated--the dying seer, the king the
representative of Joseph in
the royal dignity to which his descendants have
come, the arrows and
the bow, the strength for conflict by the touch of
hands that had
the strength of God in them. The lesson of that
paradox that the
dying gave strength to the living, the feeble to the
strong, was the
old one which is ever new, that mere human power is
weakness when it
is strongest, and that power drawn from God is
omnipotent when it
seems weakest. And the further lesson is the lesson
of our text,
that our hands are then strengthened, when His hands
are laid upon
them, of whom it is written: 'Thou hast a mighty
arm: strong is Thy
hand, and high is Thy right hand.
As a father in old days might have taken his little
boy out to the
butts, and put a bow into his hand, and given him
his first lesson
in archery, directing his unsteady aim by his own
firmer finger, and
lending the strength of his wrist to his child's
feebler pull, so
God does with us. The sure, strong hand is laid on
ours, and is
'profitable to direct.' A wisdom not our own is ever
at our side,
and ready for our service. We but dimly perceive the
conditions of
the conflict, and the mark at which we should aim is
ever apt to be
obscured to our perceptions. But in all cases where
conscience is
perplexed, or where the judgment is at fault, we
may, if we will,
have Him for our teacher. And when we know not where
to strike the
foes that seem invulnerable, like the warrior who
was dipped in the
magic stream, or clothed in mail impenetrable as
rhinoceros' hide,
He will make us wise to know the one spot where a
wound is fatal. We
shall not need to fight as he that beats the air; to
strike at
random; or to draw our bow at a venture, if we will
let Him guide
Or if ever the work be seen clearly enough, but our
poor hands
cannot take aim for very trembling, or shoot for
fear of striking
something very dear to us, He will steady our nerves
and make our
aim sure and true. We have often, in our fight with
ourselves, and
in our struggle to get God's will done in the world,
to face as
cruel a perplexity as the father who had to split
the apple on his
son's head. The evil against which we have to
contend is often so
closely connected with things very precious to us,
that it is hard
to smite the one when there is such danger of
grazing the other.
Many a time our tastes, our likings, our prejudices,
our hopes, our
loves, make our sight dim, and our pulses too
tumultuous to allow of
a good, long, steady gaze and a certain aim. It is
hard to keep the
arrow's point firm when the heart throbs and the
hand shakes. But in
all such difficult times He is ready to help us.
'Behold, we know
not what to do, but our eyes are upon Thee,' is a
prayer never
offered in vain.
The word that is here rendered 'made strong,' might
be translated
'made pliable,' or 'flexible' conveying the notion
of deftness and
dexterity rather than that of simple strength. It is
strength that He will give, the educated hand and
arm, masters of
the manipulation of the weapon. The stiffness and
clumsiness of our
handling, the obstinate rigidity as well as the
throbbing feebleness
of our arms, the dimness of our sight, may all be
overcome. At His
touch the raw recruit is as the disciplined veteran;
the prophet who
cannot speak because he is a child, gifted with a
mouth and wisdom
which all the adversaries shall not be able to
gainsay nor to
resist. Do not be disheartened by your inexperience,
or by your
ignorance; but as the prophet said to the young
king, Take the bow
and shoot. God's strong hand will hold yours, and
the arrow will fly
That strong hand is laid on ours, and lends its
weight to our feeble
pull. The bow is often too heavy for us to bend, but
we do not need
to strain our strength in the vain attempt to do it
alone. Tasks
seem too much for us. The pressure of our daily work
overwhelms us.
The burden of our daily anxieties and sorrows is too
much. Some huge
obstacle starts up in our path. Some great sacrifice
for truth,
honour, duty, which we feel we cannot make, is
demanded of us. Some
daring defiance of some evil, which has caught us in
its toils, or
which it is unfashionable to fight against, seems
laid upon us. We
cannot rise to the height of the occasion, or bring
ourselves to the
wrench that is required. Or the wearing recurrence
of monotonous
duties seems to take ail freshness out of our lives,
and all spring
out of ourselves; and we are ready to give over
struggling any more,
and let ourselves drift. Can we not feel that large
hand laid on
ours; and does not power, more and other than our
own, creep into
our numb and relaxed fingers? Yes, if we will let
Him. His strength
is made perfect in our weakness; and every man and
woman who will
make life a noble struggle against evil, vanity, or
sin, may be very
sure that God will direct and strengthen their hands
to war, and
their fingers to fight.
But the remarkable metaphor of the text not only
gives the fact of
divine strength being bestowed, but also the
_manner_ of the
gift. What a boldness of reverent familiarity there
is in that
symbol of the hands of God laid on the hands of the
man! How
strongly it puts the contact between us and Him as
the condition of
our reception of power from Him! A true touch, as of
hand to hand,
conveys the grace. It is as when the prophet laid
himself down with
his warm lip on the dead boy's cold mouth, and his
heart beating
against the still heart of the corpse, till the life
passed into the
clay, and the lad lived. So, if we may say it, our
Quickener bends
Himself over all our deadness, and by His own warmth
reanimates us.
Perhaps this same thought is one of the lessons
which we are meant
to learn from the frequency with which our Lord
wrought His miracles
of healing by the touch of His hand. 'Come and lay
Thy hand on him,
and he shall live.' 'And He put forth His hand and
touched him, and
said, I will, be thou clean.' 'Many said, He is
dead; but Jesus took
him by the hand and lifted him up, and he arose.'
The touch of His
hand is healing and life. The touch of our hands is
faith. In the
mystery of His incarnation, in the flow of His
sympathy, in the
forth-putting of His power, He lays hold not on
angels, but He lays
hold on the seed of Abraham. By our lowly trust, by
the forth-
putting of our desires, we stretch 'lame hands of
faith,' and,
blessed be God! we do not 'grope,' but we grasp His
strong hand and
are held up.
The contact of our spirits with His Spirit is a
contact far more
real than the touch of earthly hands that grasp each
other closest.
There is ever some film of atmosphere between the
palms. But 'he
that is joined to the Lord is one spirit,' and he
that clasps
Christ's outstretched hand of help with his
outstretched hand of
weakness, holds Him with a closeness to which all
unions of earth
are gaping gulfs of separation. You remember how
Mary cast herself
at Christ's feet on the resurrection morning, and
would have flung
her arms round them in the passion of her joy. The
calm word which
checked her has a wonderful promise in it. 'Touch me
not, for I am
not yet ascended to my Father'; plainly leading to
the inference,
'When I am ascended, then you may touch Me.' And
that touch will be
more reverent, more close, more blessed, than any
clasping of His
feet, even with such loving hands, and is possible
for us all for
Nothing but such contact will give us strength for
conflict and for
conquest. And the plain lesson therefore is--see to
it, that the
contact is not broken by you. Put away the metaphor,
and the simple
English of the advice is just this:--First, live in
the desire and
the confidence of His help in all your need, of His
strength as all
your power. As a part of that confidence--its
reverse and under
side, so to speak--cherish the profound sense of
your own weakness.
'In our own strength we nothing can;
Full soon were we down-ridden'--
as Luther has taught us to sing. Let there be a
constant renewal, in
the midst of your duties and trials, of that
conscious dependence
and feeling of insufficiency. Stretch out the empty
hands to Him in
that desire and hope, which, spoken or silent, is
prayer. Keep the
communications open, by which His strength flows
into your souls.
Let them not be choked with self-confidence, with
vanities, with the
rubbish of your own nature, or of the world. Do not
twitch away your
hands from under the strong hands that are laid so
gently upon them.
But let Him cover, direct, cherish, and strengthen
your poor fingers
till they are strong and nimble for all your work
and warfare. If
you go into the fight trusting to your own wit and
wisdom, to the
vigour of your own arm, or the courage of your own
heart, that very
foolhardy confidence is itself defeat, for it is sin
as well as
folly, and nothing can come of it but utter collapse
and disaster.
But if you will only go to your daily fight with
yourself and the
world, with your hand grasping God's hand, you will
be able to
'withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to
stand.' The
enemies may compass you about like bees, but in the
name of the Lord
you can destroy them. Their arrows may fly thick
enough to darken
the sun, but, as the proud old boast has it, 'then
we can fight in
the shade'; and when their harmless points have
buried themselves in
the ground, you will stand unhurt, your unshivered
bow ready for the
next assault, and your hands made strong by the
hands of the mighty
God of Jacob. 'In all these things we are more than
through Him that loved us.'
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