A Sermon
Delivered by
At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington.
On Lord's Day Evening, April 28th, 1867
"Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God, through
our Lord Jesus Christ" (Romans 5:1)
We desire this evening not to preach upon this text as a mere
matter of doctrine. You all believe and understand the gospel of
justification by faith, but we want to preach upon it tonight as a
matter of experience, as a thing realized, felt, enjoyed, and understood
in the soul. I trust there are many here who not only know that men may
be saved and justified by faith, but who can say in their own
experience, "Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with
God, through our Lord Jesus Christ," and who are now at the present
moment walking and living in the actual enjoyment of that peace.
Wishing to speak of the text, then, in this sense, I shall ask you to
accompany me, not only with your ears, and with the attention which you
usually give so generously, but also with the eye of your self-
examination, asking yourselves, as we proceed step by step, "Do I know
that? Have I received that? Have I been taught of God in this matter?
Have I been led into that truth?" And our hope will be that some person
to whom these things have hitherto been merely external, and therefore
valueless, may be led by God to get hold of them, so that they may be
matters of soul, and heart, and conscience, so that they may enjoy them,
and find themselves where once they feared they would never be, namely,
in a state of reconciliation with God, happily enjoying peace with the
Most High.
Our first few thoughts shall be some plain, earnest talk
These, I do not think, are by any means foreign to the text, or
merely imported to it, but belong rightfully to it. You see that Paul,
before he came to this justification by faith, had been speaking about
sin. It would not have been possible for him to have given an
intelligible definition of justification without mentioning that men
are sinners, without informing them that they had broken God's holy
law, and that the law, by and of itself, could never restore them to
the favour of God. Now, some of these things of which I am going to
speak are absolutely necessary, if not to my sermon, yet certainly to
your spiritually understanding even so much as one jot or tittle of
what it is to be justified by faith.
Well, then, what are these things? The first discovery that a man
is led by the Spirit of God to make before he is justified is, that it
is important to be justified in the sight of God. Many people do not
know this. You shall step into a shop this evening, and find a man at
the counter, and you say to him, "Well, do you never go to a place of
worship?" "No," he would say, "but I am quite as good as those who
do." "How so?" "Well, I am a great deal better than some of them."
"How is that?" "Well, I never failed in business; I never duped people
in a limited liability company; I never told lies; I am no thief; I am
not a drunkard; I am as honest as the days are long in the middle of
June; and that is more than you can say of some of your religious
people." Now, that man has got a hold of one part of a good man's
character. There are two parts, but he can only see one, namely, that
man is to be just to man. He sees that, but he does not see that man
is to be also just to God. And yet if that man were really to think a
little while, he would see that the highest obligations of a creature
must be, not to his fellow-creatures, but to his Creator, and that,
however just a man may be to another man, yet if he be altogether
unjust to God, he cannot escape without the severest penalty. But oh!
the most of men think that so long as they keep the laws of the land,
so long as they give to their fellow-men their due, it matters not
though God's day should be a subject of scorn, God's will be used as
men will, and God's law trodden under their feet. Now, I think that
everyone here who will but put his fingers to his brow for a moment
and think, that he will see that, even though a man may go before the
bar of his country, and say before any judge or jury, "I have in
nothing injured my fellow-man; I am just before men," yet it does not
make the man's character perfect. Unless he is also able to say, "And
I am also just before the presence of the God who made me, and whose
servant I am," he has only kept one half, and that the less important,
of God's law for him.
It cannot help being, it must be, important to the highest degree
that you and I should stand on good terms with the great God unto whom
we shall so soon return in the great day when he shall say, "Return ye
children of men." We must then render up our souls to him who created
us. Well, you can surely go as far as that with me--that it is
necessary. You do feel, do you not, a desire in your heart to be just
before your Maker? I am thankful that you can go so far.
The next thing is this. A man, when the Spirit of God is bringing
him to Christ, discovers that his past life has been marred badly, by
serious offences against the law of God. Before the Spirit of God
comes into our soul, we are like being in a room in the dark: we
cannot see in it. We cannot discover the cobwebs, the spiders, the
foul and loathsome things that may be lurking there. But when the
Spirit of God comes streaming into the soul, the man is astonished to
find that he is what he is, and especially if he sits down and opens
the book of the law, and, in the light of the divine Spirit, reads
that perfect law, and compares with it his own imperfect heart and
life. He will then grow sick of himself, even to loathing and,
sometimes, despair. Take but one command. Perhaps there are some here
who will say, "I know I have been very chaste all my life, for the
command saith, 'Thou shalt not commit adultery,' and I have never
broken it; I am clean there." Ay, but now hear Christ explain the
command, "He that looketh upon a woman to lust after her hath
committed adultery with her already in his heart." Now, then, who
amongst us can say that we have not done that? Who is there upon
earth, if that be the meaning of the command, who can say, "I am
innocent?" If the law of God, as we are told by Scripture, has to
deal, not with our outward actions alone, but with our words, and with
our thoughts, and with our imaginations--if it is so exceeding broad
that it applies to the most secret part of a man, then who of us can
plead guiltless before the throne? No, dear brethren, this must be
understood by you, and by me, before we can be justified, that we are
full of sin. What if I say that we are as full of sin as an egg is
full of meat? We are all sin. The imagination and the thought of our
heart is evil, and only evil, and that continually. If some of you
plume yourselves with the notion that you are righteous, I pray God to
pluck those fine feathers off you and make you see yourselves, for if
you never see your own nothingness, you will never understand Christ's
all-sufficiency. Unless you are pulled down, Christ will never lift
you up. Unless you know yourselves to be lost, you will never care for
that Saviour who came "to seek and to save the lost." That is a second
discovery, then; that it is important to be just before God, but that
on account of the spirituality of God's moral law, and our consequent
inability to keep it perfectly, we are very far from standing in that
Then there comes another discovery, namely, that consequently it is
utterly impossible for us to hope that we ever can be just before God,
on the footing of our own doing. We must give it up now, as an utterly
lost case. The past is past: that can never be by us blotted out, and
the present, inasmuch as we are weak through the flesh, is not much
better than the past; and the future, notwithstanding all our fond
hopes of improvement, will probably be none the better, and so
salvation by the works of the law becomes to us a dreary
impossibility. The law said, "Cursed is everyone that continueth not
in all things written in the book of the law to do them." I was
conversing on one occasion with one of our most illustrious Jewish
noblemen, and when I put to him the question--he believed himself to
be perfectly righteous, and I believe if any man could be so by his
moral conduct, he might have fairly laid claim to it; but when I said
to him, "Now, there is your own law for it, 'Cursed is everyone that
continueth not in all things written in the book of the law to do
them': have you continued in all things?" he said, "I have not."
"Then," I said, "the curse is upon you: how do you hope to escape from
it?" and I found that to be a question for which he, at any rate, had
no answer; and it is a question which, when properly understood, no
man can answer, except by pointing to the cross of Christ and saying,
"He was made a curse for us that we might be made a blessing." Unless
you and I keep the law of God perfectly, it matters little how near we
get to perfection. It is as though God had committed to our trust a
perfect crystal vase, and had said, "If you keep that whole, and
present it to me, you shall have a reward." But we have cracked it,
chipped it; ah! my brethren, the most of us have broken it and smashed
it to pieces. But we will suppose that we have only cracked it a
little. Yes, but even then we have lost the reward, for the condition
was that it should be perfectly whole, and the slightest chip is a
violation of the condition upon which the reward would have been
given. Never you say that you will not break it farther. Nay, but you
have broken it. You have thrown yourselves now out of the list. It
sometimes seems hard when you tell people that if they have violated
the law in one point, they have broken the whole of it; but it is not
so hard as it looks to be, for if I tell a man who is going down a
coal- mine on a long chain that, if he shall break one link of the
chain, it does not matter, though all the other hundreds or thousands
of links may be sound; if there is only one link that is broken, down
will descend the basket, and the poor miner be dashed to pieces.
Nobody thinks that hard. Everybody recognizes that as being a matter
of mechanical law, that the strength of a chain must be measured by
its weakest part. And so the strength of our obedience must be gauged
by the very point in which it fails. Alas! our obedience has failed,
and, through it, no one of us can ever be just before God.
Now, I want to stop a minute, and put the question round the
galleries, and below stairs. Have you all got as far as that? It is
important to be just before God: we see that we are not so: do we see
that we cannot be so? Are we quite convinced that by our own obedience
to the law of God, it is hopeless for us to think of standing accepted
before the Most High? I pray the Eternal Spirit to convince you all of
this, or you will keep on knocking at the door until you are quite
sure that God has nailed it up for ever, and you will go scrambling
over that Alp, and tumbling down this precipice, until you are
convinced that it is impossible for you to climb it, and then you will
give up your desperate endeavour and come to God in God's way, which
is quite another way from your own. I trust that we are all convinced
of this.
Let us notice one more preliminary discovery. A man, having found
out all this, suddenly discovers that, inasmuch as he is not just
before God, and cannot be, he is at the present moment under
condemnation. God is never indifferent towards sin. If, therefore, a
man be not in a state in which God can justify him, he is in a state
in which God must condemn him. If you are not just before God, you are
condemned at this very moment. You are not executed, it is true, but
the condemnation has gone forth against you, and the sign that it is
so is your unbelief, for "He that believeth not is condemned already,
because he hath not believed on the Son of God." How some of you would
spring up from your seats tonight if all on a sudden you got the
information that you had been condemned by the courts of your country;
but when I say that you have been condemned by the Court of Heaven,
this glides across your conscience like drops of water or oil over a
marble slab. And yet, my hearers, if thou didst but know the meaning
of what I am saying--and I pray God the Holy Ghost to make thee know
it--it would make thy very bones to quiver! God has condemned thee.
Thou art out of Christ. Thou hast broken his law. God has lifted his
hand to smite thee, and, though his mercy tarries for awhile, yet days
and hours will soon be gone, and then the condemnation shall take the
shape of execution, and where will thy soul be then? Now, you must
have the sentence of condemnation passed in your own soul, or else you
will never be justified, for until we are condemned by ourselves we
are not acquitted by God. Again, I pause and say, Dost thou feel this,
my dear hearer? If thou dost, instead of despairing, be hopeful. If
thou hast the sentence of death within thee, be thankful for it, for
now shall life be given thee from the hand of God's grace.
Having occupied, perhaps, too much time over that, we now come more
immediately into the text to:--
That gospel learning I may give you in a few sentences, namely,
these: that, inasmuch as through man's sin, the way of obedience is
for ever closed, so that we--none of us--can ever pass by it to a true
righteousness, God has now determined to deal with men in a way of
mercy, to forgive them all their offences, to bestow upon them his
love, to receive them graciously, and to love them freely. He has been
pleased, in his infinite wisdom, to devise a way by which without
injury to his justice, he can yet receive the most undeserving sons of
men into his heart, and make them his children, and can bless them
with all the blessings which would have been theirs had they perfectly
kept God's law, but which now shall come to them as a matter of gift
and undeserved grace from himself.
I trust we have learned that; that there is a plan of salvation by
grace, and by grace alone; and it is a great thing to know that where
grace is, there are no works.
It is a blessed thing never to muddle in your head the doctrine of
working, and the doctrine of receiving by grace, for there is an
essential and eternal difference between the two. I hope you all know
that there can be no mixing of the two. If we are saved by grace, it
cannot be by our own merits, but if we depend upon our own merits,
then we cannot appeal to the grace of God, since the two things can
never be mingled together. It must be all works or else all grace.
Now, God's plan of salvation excludes all our works. "Not of works,
lest any man should boast." It comes to us upon the footing of grace,
pure grace alone. And this is God's plan, namely, that, inasmuch as we
cannot be saved by our own obedience, we should be saved by Christ's
obedience. Jesus, the Son of God, has appeared in the flesh, has lived
a life of obedience to God's law, and in consequence of that
obedience, being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself and
became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross, and our
Saviour's life and death make up a complete keeping and honouring of
that law which we have broken and dishonoured, and God's plan is this:
"I cannot bless you for your own sakes, but I will bless you for his
sake; and now, looking at you through him, I can bless you though you
deserve it not; I can pass by your undeserving; I can blot out your
sins like a cloud, and cast your iniquities into the depths of the sea
through what he has done; you have no merits, but he has boundless
merits; you are full of sin and must be punished, but he has been
punished instead of you, and now I can deal with you." This is the
language of God, put into human words, "I can deal with you upon terms
of mercy through the merits of my dear Son." This is the way in which
the gospel comes to you, then. If you believe in Jesus, that is to
say, if you trust him, all the merits of Jesus are your merits, are
imputed to you: all the sufferings of Jesus are your sufferings.
Everyone of his merits is imputed to you. You stand before God as if
you were Christ, because Christ stood before God as if he were you--he
in your stead, you in his stead. Substitution! that is the word!
Christ the Substitute for sinners: Christ standing for men, and
bearing the thunderbolts of the divine opposition to all sin, he
"being made sin for us who knew no sin." Man standing in Christ's
place, and receiving the sunlight of divine favour, instead of Christ.
And this, I say, is through trusting, or believing. God's way of
your getting connection with Christ is through your reliance upon him.
"Therefore, being justified"--how? Not by works; that is not the link,
but--"being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our
Lord Jesus Christ." Christ offers to God the substitution: through
faith we accept it: and from that moment God accepts us.
Now, I want to come to this, dear friends. Do you know this? Have
you been taught this by the Spirit of God? Perhaps you learned it in
the Assembly's Catechism when you were but children: you have learned
it in the various classes since then, but do you know it in your own
soul, and do you know that God's way of salvation is through a simple
dependence upon his dear Son? Do you so know it that you have accepted
it, and that you are now resting upon Jesus? If so, then thrice happy
are you!
But, going further, I have now to dwell for a minute or two upon:--
We have led you, and I hope the Spirit of God has led you, too,
through the preliminary discoveries, and through the great discovery
that God can save us through the merits of another, and now let us
notice this glorious privilege word by word.
"Being justified." The text tells us that every believing man is at
the present moment perfectly justified before God. You know what Adam
was in naked innocence in Paradise. Such is every believer. Ay, and
more than that. Adam could talk with God because he was pure from sin,
and we also have access with boldness unto God our Father because,
through Jesus' blood, we are clean. Now, I do not say that this is the
privilege of a few eminent saints, but here I look around these pews
and see my brethren and sisters--scores and hundreds of them--all of
whom are tonight just before God--perfectly so; completely so; so just
that they never can be otherwise than just; so just that even in
heaven they will be no more acceptable to God than they are here
tonight. That is the state into which faith brings a poor, lost,
guilty, helpless, good-for- nothing sinner. The man may have been
everything that was bad before he believed in Jesus, but as soon as he
trusted Christ, the merits of Christ became his merits, and he stands
before God as though he were perfect, "without spot, or wrinkle, or
any such thing," through the righteousness of Christ.
Note, however, as we have noticed the state of justification, the
means whereby we reach it. "Being justified by faith." The way of
reaching this state of justification is not by tears, nor prayers, nor
humblings, nor working, nor Bible-reading, nor church-going, nor
chapel- going, nor sacraments, nor priestly absolution, but by faith,
which faith is a simple and utter dependence and believing in the
faithfulness of God, a dependence upon the promise of God, because it
is God's promise, and is worthy of dependence. It is a reliance with
all our might upon what God has said. This is faith, and every man who
possesses this faith is perfectly justified tonight.
I know what the devil will say to you. He will say to you, "You are
a sinner!" Tell him you know you are, but that for all that you are
justified. He will tell you of the greatness of your sin. Tell him of
the greatness of Christ's righteousness. He will tell you of all your
mishaps and your backslidings, of your offences and your wanderings.
Tell him, and tell your own conscience, that you know all that, but
that Jesus Christ came to save sinners, and that, although your sin be
great, Christ is quite able to put it all away. Some of you, it seems
to me, do not trust in Christ as sinners. You get a mingle-mangle kind
of faith. You trust in Christ as though you thought Christ could do
something for you, and you could do the rest. I tell you that while
you look to yourselves, you do not know what faith means. You must be
convinced that there is nothing good in yourselves; you must know that
you are sinners, and that in your hearts you are as big and as black
sinners as the very worst and vilest, and you must come to Jesus, and
leave your fancied righteousnesses, and your pretended goodnesses
behind you, and you must take him for everything, and trust in him.
Oh! to feel your sin, and yet to know your righteousness--to have the
two together--repentance on account of sin, and yet a glorious
confidence in the all-atoning sacrifice! Oh! if you could understand
that saying of the spouse, "I am black, but comely"--for that is where
we must come--black in myself, as black as hell, and yet comely, fair,
lovely, inexpressibly glorious through the righteousness of Jesus.
My dear brethren and sisters, can you feel this? If you cannot feel
it, do you believe it? And do you sing in the words of Joseph Hart?:--
"In thy surety thou art free,
His dear hands were pierced for thee;
With thy Saviour's vesture on,
Holy as the holy one."
For so it is: you stand before God as accepted as Christ is
accepted: and notwithstanding the inbred sin and corruption of your
heart, you are as dear to God as Christ is dear, and as accepted in
the righteousness of Christ as Christ is accepted in his own
Have we got so far? That is the point on which I want to enquire
this evening. Have you got as far as to know at this moment that it is
through faith we are justified? If so, I shall conduct you just one
step farther, namely, to observe--and this is coming back, whilst it
is also going forward--that "we are justified by faith through our
Lord Jesus Christ." There is the foundation: there is the mainspring.
There is the tree that bears the fruit. We are justified by faith, but
not by faith of itself. Faith in itself is a precious grace, but it
cannot in itself justify us. It is "through our Lord Jesus Christ."
Simple as the observation is, I must venture to repeat it tonight,
because it is hard for us to keep it in mind. But remember that faith
is not the work of the Spirit within, but the work of Christ upon the
tree. That upon which I must rest as my meritorious hope is not the
blessed fact that I am now an heir of heaven, but the still more
blessed fact that the Son of God loved me, and gave himself for me. My
dear brethren, when all is fair weather within, there is such a
temptation to say, "Well, now, it is all right with me, for I fee
this, and I feel that." Very good these evidences are in their places,
but evidences, you get equally clear evidences that you are not
perfect; when you have to say, "Oh! wretched man that I am, who shall
deliver me from the body of this death?" you will find that, instead
of your beautiful evidences, you will have to fly to the cross. There
was a time when I, too, could take a great deal of comfort in what I
believe is the Spirit of God's work in my soul I do thank God for it,
and bless him for it now but I trust I have learned to walk where poor
Jack the huckster walked:--
"I'm a poor sinner, and nothing at all;
But Jesus Christ is my all in all."
Brethren, it is down on the ground that we must live. We must build
upon the rock itself. On the top of some mountains men sometimes build
heaps of timber, so as to get a little higher. Well, now, some of
these ricketty platforms, you know, get shaky, but when you get right
down on the mountain itself, that never shakes, and you are perfectly
secure there. So sometimes we get building up our ricketty platforms
of our experience and our good works--all very well in their way, but
then they shake in the storm. Depend upon it, that the soul that
clings to the rock, notwithstanding all that the Holy Spirit has done
for it, and having nothing then to depend upon, more than the poor
dying robber had when, without a single good work, he had to hang on
the dying Christ alone--oh! believe me, that soul is in the safest
place to live in, Jesus, for a poor sinner when he is torn from his
cups and his sins, and none but Jesus for the aged saint when he stays
himself upon his bed to bear his last testimony:--
"Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God,
through our Lord Jesus Christ."
And now, to crown all, there is here the precious, precious
privilege which such men enjoy--"we have peace with God." I know that
this may seem a trifle to thoughtless people, but not to those who
think. I cannot say that I sympathize with those people who shut their
eyes to the beauties of nature. I have heard of good men travelling
through fine scenery, and shutting their eyes for fear they should
see. I always open mine as wide as ever I can, because I think I can
see God in all the works of his hands, and what God has taken the
trouble to make I think I ought to take the trouble to look at. Surely
there must be something to see in a man's works if he be a wise man;
and there must be something worth seeing in the works of God, who is
all-wise. Now, it is a delightful thing to say, when you look upon a
landscape, lit up with sunlight and shaded with cloud, "Well, my
Father made all this; I never saw him, but I do delight in the work of
his hands; he made all this, and I am perfectly at peace with him."
Then as you are standing there, a storm comes on. Big drops begin to
fall. There is thunder in the distance. It begins to peal louder and
louder. Presently there comes a lightning's flash. Now, those who are
not at peace with God may go and flee away, but those who are
perfectly at peace with him may stand there and say, "Well, it is my
Father who is doing all this; that is his voice; the voice of the
Lord, which is full of majesty." I love to hear my Father's voice. I
never am so happy as in a tremendous storm, and when the lightning
flash comes, I think--Well, it is only the flashing of my Father's
eye: now, God is abroad: he seemed as if he had left the world before,
but now he comes riding on the wings of the wind; let me go and meet
him. I am not afraid! Suppose you are out at sea in a storm. You are
justified by faith, and you say, "Well, let the waves roar; let them
clap their hands: my Father holds the waters in the hollow of his
hand, why should I be afraid?" Let me say to you that it is worth
something to believe that God can put us in a calm state of mind when
"earth is all in arms abroad." It is just so with the believer when
temporal troubles come. There comes crash after crash until it seems
as though every house of business would come down. Nothing is certain.
Man has lost confidence and reliance in his fellow-man. Everything is
going to the bad. But the Christian says, "God is at the helm; the
whole business of business is managed by the great King: let the sons
of earth do as they will, but:--
"He everywhere hath sway,
And all things serve his might."
It is something to feel that my Father cannot do me a bad turn.
Even if he should use his rod upon me, it will do me good, and I will
thank him for it, for I am at perfect peace with him.
And then to come to die, and to feel, "I am going to God, and I am
glad to go, for I am not going like a prisoner to a judge, but like a
wife espoused goes to her husband, like a child home from school to
the parents' arms. Oh! it is something to die with a sense of peace
with God! Surely every thoughtful man will feel that. Now, if you
trust Christ, you shall be justified by faith. Being justified, your
heart shall feel that perfect peace is brought into it, so that you
shall meet your Father's will with perfect equanimity, let it be what
it may. Come life, come death, it shall not matter to you, for all is
right between God and your souls.
Oh! I wish it were so with all present! It may be so if God the
Spirit bring you to rest in Jesus. Nay, it shall be so, my dear
friend; it shall be so with you tonight; though you never thought it
would be when you came in here, yet you see it all now. It is simply
believing, simply trusting. Oh! believe him! Trust him, and it shall
be the joy of your soul to have a peace with God which, as the world
did not give you, so the world shall never take away, but you shall
have it for ever and ever. God grant it to each one of us! Amen.
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